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Airmax Treatment Booster PLUS

Manufacturer: Airmax
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530172-Airmax Treatment Booster PLUS
Airmax Treatment Booster PLUS - 16 oz
SKU: 530172
530192-airmax-treatment booster-plus
Airmax Treatment Booster PLUS - Gallon
SKU: 530192

Airmax Treatment Booster PLUS pond treatment enhancer is specially formulated to enhance the effectiveness of pond treatments. Treatment Booster PLUS helps adhere the treatment to the target aquatic weed. After adhering to the target, Treatment Booster PLUS works further to allow the treatment to penetrate the aquatic weed's protective surfaces for maximum treatment exposure. Treatment Booster PLUS has also been enhanced to work on underwater weeds and algae by breaking the water's surface tension.

  • Enhances chemical treatments
  • Works with Algaecides & Herbicides
  • Mixes directly with your chemical treatment

Treatment Booster PLUS Dosage Rates:

Use 2 oz per gallon of total treatment

When To Use Treatment Booster Plus:

Treatment Booster PLUS should be used whenever you apply an aquatic herbicide or algaecide to provide maximum results.

How To Use Treatment Booster PLUS:

Mix 2 ounces of Treatment Booster PLUS for every gallon of chemical/water solution. Follow application instructions on the label of your aquatic herbicide/algaecide to apply mixture.