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AquaBead - 1.75 LH

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AquaBead LH 1.75 Filter

All of the AquaBead LH filters utilize a revolutionary design to increase flows while not using any more electricity than normal. It's quite simple actually, since the biggest flow robber of filters is the multiport valve, we only use the multiport valve when backwashing and bypass it while in normal filtration mode. This provides greater turn over of the pond while not using more energy= $ savings and clearer water. Another GC Tek exclusive.

The 1.75cu.ft. AquaBead LH is the perfect filter for ponds up to 5000 gal. and fish loads up to 125 lbs. Flow rated at 70 gpm for bio-mechanical filtration. 

AquaBead LH filters also feature the AlphaONE Life Support System, known as "ALISS", which keeps beneficial bacteria alive indefinitely during times of medical shutdowns, pumps failures, etc.

The 2" Clear Union Spring Check Valve located right under the 2 HP Media Agitator provides maximum flow and has built-in unions.

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