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Aquascape Ammonia Neutralizer

Manufacturer: Aquascape
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Aquascape Ammonia Neutralizer- 16 oz
Treats 10,000 gallons
SKU: 96050
Aquascape Ammonia Neutralizer- 32 oz
Treats 20,000 gallons
SKU: 96051
Aquascape Ammonia Neutralizer- Gallon
Treats 80,000 gallons
SKU: 96052
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AquascapePRO Ammonia Neutralizer - Gallon
Treats 96,000 Gallons
SKU: 40012
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Aquascape Ammonia Neutralizer makes pond water safe for fish and plants by detoxifying chloramine and neutralizing large concentrations of toxic ammonia. It is important to eliminate any toxins in your pond water to ensure the health of your fish. The easy-to-use pump top accurately measures 100 gallons of treatment per pump. One bottle treats 10,000 gallons.

  • Makes pond water safe for fish and plants
  • Detoxifies chloramine
  • Neutralizes large concentrations of toxic ammonia
  • Easy-to-use pump top on 16 oz and 32 oz bottles