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Aquascape Pond Detoxifier

Manufacturer: Aquascape
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Aquascape Pond Detoxifier - 8 oz
Treats 5,000 Gallons
SKU: 98876
Aquascape Pond Detoxifier - 16 oz
Treats 10,000 Gallons
SKU: 98877
Aquascape Pond Detoxifier - 32 oz Refill Pouch
Treats 20,000 Gallons
SKU: 40005
Aquascape Pond Detoxifier - 1 Gallon
Treats 80,000 Gallons
SKU: 96010
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Aquascape Pond Detoxifier - PRO 1 Gallon
Treats 96,000 Gallons
SKU: 30410
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Aquascape Pond Detoxifier makes pond water safe for fish and plants, allowing you to spend more time enjoying your fish and less time worrying about them. Source water, including tap and well water, often contains chlorine, chloramines, and heavy metals and it is important to eliminate any toxins in your pond water to ensure the health of your ecosystem. Pond Detoxifier removes and detoxifies chlorine, neutralizes ammonia, and detoxifies and chelates copper and heavy metals that can harm pond fish and aquatic plants. Pond Detoxifier also allows some metals, like iron, to be used as a fertilizer, helping your plants to thrive.

  • Makes pond water safe for fish and plants
  • Detoxifies chloramine
  • Neutralizes large concentrations of toxic ammonia