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Aquascape Small Pondless Waterfall Kit w/ 6' Stream

Manufacturer: Aquascape
SKU: 53038
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Aquascape Small Pondless Waterfall Kit comes complete with everything you need to incorporate the sight and sound of cascading water your yard or landscape, providing up to a 6-foot Pondless Waterfall. All necessary components are provided in a convenient, all-in-one kit that takes the guesswork out of purchasing individual components. The innovative AquaSurgePRO 2000-4000 allows you to adjust the flow of the pump wirelessly. The included Pondless Waterfall Vault makes accessing your pump and checking water levels quick and easy and the included AquaBlox eliminate the need to fill your basin with large quantities of gravel and stone.

The Aquascape Small Pondless Waterfall Kit contains:

  • 10' x 10' liner & 100 sq.ft. of Underlayment
  • 8' x 10' Stream Liner
  • Pondless Waterfall Vault
  • Waterfall Spillway
  • Three- Small AquaBlox
  • AquaSurgePRO 2000-4000 Pump
  • 25' of 1.5" Flexible PVC Pipe
  • Automatic Water Treatment Dosing System for Fountains
  • Welcome Kit

Stream Length: up to 6'
Waterfall Weir: Aquascape Waterfall Weir
Waterfall Vault: Pondless Waterfall Vault
Water Storage System: Three Small AquaBlox
Pond Pump: AquaSurge Pro 2000-4000 Pump
Liner: 10' x 10' Liner and 8' x 10' Stream Liner
Underlay: 100 sq. ft. Underlayment
Tubing: 1 ½" x 25' Flexible PVC Hose
Accessories: Automatic Water Treatment Dosing System for Fountains, Welcome Kit