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Atlantic BF1900 FilterFalls

Manufacturer: Atlantic
SKU: BF1900
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Professional water garden contractors demand the latest technology and highest quality construction available for the products they install. That concept led to the creation of Atlantic BF1900 FilterFalls. These products have all the attributes that make large-scale professional installation easy and successful. Features include:

  • Heavy-duty removable top grate allows natural rock camouflage
  • Support bars add stability and reinforce top grate
  • Media bag and Bio-Tech media provide max surface area for development of beneficial bacteria (media sold separately)
  • Dual Bio-Tech filter mats for exception biological filtration
  • Sturdy bottom grate supports filter media
  • Rolled upper rim provides clean lines and incredible strength
  • 2" or 3" heavy-duty FPT bulkhead for high flow rates
  • Bottom chamber will accept bulkhead on all sides while bottom cones reduce surface area for more efficient back flushing
  • One-piece liner flange allows easy, leak-free attachments of FilterFalls to pond liner
  • Solid lip and molded-in inserts ensure a watertight liner attachment every time.


Waterfall Opening Size:  19"
Filtration:  Mechanical / Biological
Maximum Pond Volume:  2,000 Gallons
Pump Flow Range:  2,500 - 4,000 GPH
Inlet:  2" FPT
Dimensions:  28" W x 25" D x 21.5" H
Match to Skimmer:  PS4600