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Basic Water Garden Supplies

When setting up a backyard water garden there are certain essential supplies that you will need. Locate a reputable supplies distributor such as to help you choose the items that will allow your pond to thrive. Here we will discuss some of the essentials that you should have before getting started.

Pond liner: Once the space has been dug for your pond you will need to fit it with a pond liner. Liners are the true foundation of your pond, so purchasing ones that are made from the best material available is important. Pondliner’s PVC pond liners and EPDM pond liners are two great products to consider. By installing a permanent fish pond liner that will withstand a variety of weather and water conditions, you can avoid the hassle of regularly replacing this integral part of your pond.

Aquatic plants: An essential part of any water garden is the plant life. The vegetation is what turns a simple pond into a self-sustaining ecological environment. Having the right combination of aquatic plants and products to perform important functions such as oxygenating the water and shading the surface, as well as providing a hiding place for fish, is part of creating a successful pond.

Fish: Having fish in your water garden is optional but many people enjoy adding them in. In addition to looking pretty and adding some fun, they are also useful and help keep mosquitoes at bay.

Pond pumps: Fish and waterfall pond pumps are the heart of the water garden. They not only create the pleasant effect of running water but also aerate the pond and circulate water through the filtration system to keep it clean.

Pond filter: Fish pond filters and water garden filters are used to clean debris and biological waste from your garden pond. When choosing the right filter for your water garden, keep in mind that most pond filtration systems have varying degrees of mechanical and/or biological filtration.

If you are just starting out there are pond kits to get you going. They provide you with all the equipment needed to make a beautiful backyard pond. The components contained in each comprehensive water garden kit are perfectly matched to suit the size of the garden pond you want to create.