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All About your Pond’s Ecosystem: Food Chain
All About your Pond’s Ecosystem: Food Chain

Your backyard pond is more than just a hole filled with water and fish. It’s a living, breathing ecosystem. From the animals we can see to the microscopic bacteria we can’t, our ponds host and invite a plethora of wildlife …

Incorporating Your Pond into Your Landscape

Adding a pond to the backyard sounds like a great idea. In fact, this addition to the landscape will increase the beauty of the outdoor space, assuming that a few key considerations are addressed before any of the work commences. … 

Checklist: Purchasing the Right Pond Supplies

Establishing a pond in your back yard is far more expensive and labor intensive than many other landscaping projects, but the result is extremely rewarding. The levels of effort and expense can vary dramatically, according to your plans. Several decisions …

How Koi Pond Kits Make Your Life Easier

Thinking about finally putting in that koi pond you’ve been talking about for the last ten years? A koi pond kit can be that one purchase that finally gets you moving on your dream. With written instructions and all the …

6 Easy Ways to Decorate your Outdoor Space
pond water

We spend a lot of our time fixing up and repairing our outdoor spaces every season. Thanks to the harsh wear and tear during the winter months, along with the heavy rains and strong sun of spring and summer, our … 

Getting Started: A Breakdown of Our Pond Kits
pond liners

When you have a big task ahead of you, sometimes it’s hard to just get started. Creating your own backyard water garden is a pretty big undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be too difficult! Once you have decided the …

Spring Ahead with Entry-Level Backyard Pond Kits

Do you want to enhance your yard this spring with a beautiful backyard pond, but wish there was an easy way to ensure that you had all the pond supplies you needed? Are you overwhelmed at the thought of building …