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Pressurized Pond Filters Provide Plenty of Benefits for Your Pond

By now you all know the benefit of pond filters: They help keep your pond clean by getting rid of various kinds of debris and biological waste. You also know that there are many different kinds of pond filters that …

Utilize Pond Filters for a Healthy and Happy Pond This Season

As any successful pond owner knows, the key to having a healthy pond is to have a clean pond. In my previous posts I’ve discussed how you can utilize pond skimmers and pond vacuums to clean dirt and debris from …

Clean Your Pond the Easy Way with Pond Vacuums

In my previous post on “Getting Your Pond Ready for Spring” I discussed the importance of cleaning your pond in preparation for the spring season. However, now that the season is well under way, you need to continue working to …

Test and Treat Your Pond Water Today

As I discussed in my last blog post, Getting Your Pond Ready for Spring, it is important to give your pond a fresh start this season by cleaning out the old, dirty water and filling it with fresh, treated water. …

Hot Weather Pond Tips

While many of us embrace the summer heat after a long, cold winter and get excited to spend time outdoors with our gardens and backyard ponds, the heat can actually pose some problems for our fish. The biggest threat to …

Backyard Pond and Water Garden Safety Tips
spring pond

You have finally finished installing your backyard pond and it’s time sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. After carefully planning, digging and filling, your pond is something to behold. But even if you have surrounded it with …

How Do I Fix a Tear in My Pond Liner?
pond liners

Have you noticed the water levels in your pond dropping or large patches of wet areas around it? If so, there is a good chance you have a leak in your pond liner. But don’t panic. You probably will not …

Keeping your Pond Filter Clean
pondless waterfall

Maintaining a backyard pond requires diligence and hard work. Skimming, tending to plants and fish, checking on electronic features, and more are all part of what keep your pond functioning and enjoyable for years to come. While you may depend on …

My Pond is All Foamy. What Gives?
Foamy Pond

Is your backyard pond starting to look like you just dumped soap in it? There’s a reason for the sudsy look of your water. The culprit of all that buildup is most likely an excess of organic material in the …

Can I Overdo it with Beneficial Bacteria in my Pond?
water lilies

Ever wondered if it’s possible to have too much of a good thing? Well in the case of adding a lot of beneficial bacteria to your backyard pond there might be. Beneficial bacteria rids your pond of unwanted organic debris. …