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Protect your Pond with Wintertime Maintenance

Although your pond is dormant during the winter months, it’s still important to keep up with routine maintenance. Try these simple pond winterization maintenance activities to save yourself time and money come springtime. Let Light In After you shovel your … 

Keep Your Pond Safe This Winter

The holidays have passed, which means the snow and ice have officially arrived, marking the start of winter. If keeping up with pond maintenance through the winter is on your New Year’s resolution list, read below to find the most …

Plan Your Pond Facelift

Fall is the perfect time of year to start planning updates for your pond. Not only does it give you plenty of time to make a well thought out plan, but it’s also right around the holiday season when you …

Summer Lovin’: Giving Your Pond Summer TLC

Backyard pond maintenance in the summer doesn’t take much work. It’s the time of year when you can sit back and enjoy your backyard. You can’t completely neglect your pond, though. Fish are more active and your plants are growing, … 

How to Clean Up After a Storm

There is nothing worse than a dirty koi pond. And if there is rain in your forecast, all you can do is cross your fingers and hope Mother Nature decides to be kind. But, what do you do if the …

Disaster Zone! Dealing with Pond Damage

Whether from Mother Nature or unwanted guests, if your pond has experienced damage, you need to understand your options. A backyard pond is meant to be one of the highlights of your home. Keeping your home protected from muskrats, beavers, …

Spring Start Up Guide
spring pond

Now that the winter snows have melted and the temperatures are rising, it’s time to start thinking about your garden pond and the ecosystem it contains. The coming of spring also means the cleaning of your garden pond and preparing …

Over-Wintering Your Pond
winter pond

Are your fish and plants ready for cold weather? Right now, most of us are getting ready for fall by pulling up faded annuals, mulching perennial beds and raking leaves. Autumn clean-up comes almost instinctively to seasoned gardeners. But what about the water garden? …

Garden Pond Water Treatments
pond water

Garden ponds and koi ponds add a sense of luxury to any garden. They provide a serene and relaxing atmospher to your garden or back yard. However, to keep your garden pond healthy and clean, you will need to apply …

Pond Aeration
pond aeration

Why is aeration necessary in my pond? Fish, snails, and tadpoles all need oxygen to survive underwater. The invisible life, like bacteria, that keep the pond water clean also require oxygen to keep the pond healthy. Oxygen enters the pond by diffusing into …