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Preparing your Koi Pond for Winter

Pond Lighting

When you have fish in your backyard pond, winter pond preparation and care becomes a little more complex than ponds without fish. You have to worry about their well-being, which includes figuring out if you need to bring them inside …

Winter Pond Maintenance Checklist

While you’re probably used to doing pond maintenance during the summer months, you might not realize how important proper winter pond maintenance can be. By keeping your pond healthy during the winter months, it will be that much easier for …

Fall Cleaning your Backyard Pond
water lilies

Forget spring cleaning, fall is arguably the most important season to be diligent about cleaning your backyard pond during. With the major influx of falling leaves, if you don’t stay on top of your cleaning tasks your pond life could …

Prepping your Backyard Pond for Fall
Fall Pond

It’s hard to believe, but fall is right around the corner. The kids are back in school, our morning commute is clogged with yellow buses again, and coffee shops are bringing back their pumpkin lattes. We’ve even already seen some …

The Eight Things You Must Know Before You Own a Pond

Considering a backyard pond? Water gardens can be a thing of beauty. They provide countless hours of relaxation and enjoyment. However, they can be an investment in time and money. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons before you …

Adding Water to Your Pond
pond water

Once the pond is installed, you are ready to fill it with water. The pond water will need to be conditioned properly before adding fish and plants. Some people say, “I don’t need to add water conditioners to my natural pond. Why add …