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Shine Some Light on Your Backyard Pond

While you might think pond lights are just for decoration, they can actually serve a greater purpose in your backyard. Usually, people who invest in pond lights and spotlights are hoping to add a focal point to their backyard pond. …

The Countdown to Winter

When summer winds down and fall is in full swing, it’s time to start prepping your backyard pond or water garden for the cooler months ahead. Don’t feel overwhelmed, the fall season gives you enough time to space out your …

3 Advantages of Pressure Filters

Are you trying to find the perfect water filter for your backyard pond? You know you need to keep your water, fish and plants healthy, but it can be difficult to decide between the many pond filter supplies available. Consider …

Making the Transition to Pond Filtering

You know you should have installed a pond filter long ago, but you just never got around to it. Now you’ve realized your pond life can’t stay healthy without one. So how should you go about installing a pond filter …

Top 5 Tips for Keeping Cool in the Summer Sun

Summer is about to be in full swing! Is your pond ready? While you may know the basics of summer pond care, it’s important that you pay attention to all the hazards your pond faces when the sun starts to …

Put the Spring Back in Your Yard with Spring Pond Supplies

While it may seem hard to believe, spring is just around the corner. The first official day of spring is March 20th. That gives you just over a month to start putting the spring back in your yard with pond …

How to Incorporate a Backyard Pond into Your Landscape
backyard pond

If you’re looking at your property and wondering where a backyard pond would fit, it’s time to start exploring your options. To get your creative juices flowing, we recommend visiting our Gallery to view pond photos submitted by other …

Why Build A Backyard Pond
relaxing pond

If you’re considering adding a backyard pond to your property, we highly recommend it. These timeless pieces never go out of style, and they can add an entirely new level of beauty and tranquility to your yard. Plus, when you …

All About your Pond’s Ecosystem: Pond Supplies
All About your Pond’s Ecosystem: Pond Supplies

In order to keep the pond life in your ecosystem safe, including the fish, frogs, healthy bacteria, etc. that live there, you’ll need the proper pond supplies to ensure a healthy home. The items that can help turn your pond … 

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Pond Owners
pondless waterfall

Are you tired of the same old New Year’s resolutions? I’m going to eat better, exercise more, take more ‘me’ time, spend more time with family, etc. While these are all worthwhile ideas and great concepts to strive for, maybe …