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Fish Feeding Tips for Winter Weather

As the weather turns colder and the air temperature begins to drop, the fish in your backyard pond need to go on a cold water fish food diet. Lucky for them, their diet has nothing to do with losing weight, …

OASE SwimSkim Product Review

The OASE SwimSkim is a unique self-contained in-pond skimmer that also functions as a pond aerator. The Swimskim is powered by an internal 580 gallon per hour magnetic-drive pump. Air is injected into the pump discharge to provide supplement aeration …

Happy Earth Day!

While I’m not an environmentalist, I do believe that we should be good stewards to what God has given us. With energy prices still fairly high and the economy still very shaky in many areas of the country, it just …

Prep Your Pond for the Spring

Now is the time to get your pond into shape. Here’s are some helpful suggestions that will make your pond even better this year. Clean out debris from the pond bottom and edges using your net and a pond vacuum. …

Controlling Algae

The most common problem experienced by pond owners is algae. Of all the technical questions we are asked, questions about algae in the pond is far and away the most common topic. So let’s take a look at pond algae …

Tropical Water Lilies

Tropical water lilies are by far my favorite aquatic plant. Even though they are an annual plant, their performance still make them an excellent investment in your water garden. What makes them so great? Blooms, blooms and more blooms. And …

Waterfall Design

One of the most important pieces of your new pond is the sound of the waterfall. Yes, I said sound. While the appearance of the waterfall adds to your water garden, the sound of the waterfall sets the mood and …


An easy way to calculate the flow over a waterfall: Every 100 gph at the discharge point gives a flow 1″ wide and 1/2″ deep. Be sure to allow for head loss when choosing your waterfall pump.

Pond Filters

Foam has been widely used as a media for pond filters. Foam has excellent surface area for beneficial bacteria and is extremely effective when differing foam densities are used in the pond filter. Foam is also effective at removing suspended …

Dealing with String Algae Naturally

Algae thrives on excess nutrient and sunlight. Limiting either or preferrably both will help control algae your the water garden. Check your fish load. You should only have 1″ of fish for every 10 gallons of water in your pond.