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Preparing your Koi Pond for Winter

Pond Lighting

When you have fish in your backyard pond, winter pond preparation and care becomes a little more complex than ponds without fish. You have to worry about their well-being, which includes figuring out if you need to bring them inside …

Why is my Backyard Pond Losing Water?

It’s perfectly normal for your backyard pond to lose some water. Along with evaporation, plants and animals love to help themselves to your water supply, leaving you with slightly less water, but not enough to worry about. These small amounts … 

FAQs: Pond Liner Frequently Asked Questions

If it’s time to replace your existing pond liner or you are looking to create an entirely new backyard pond, you’ve come to the right place. We can answer all the questions you may have when it comes to choosing …

FAQs: Pond Pump Frequently Asked Questions

Your backyard pond can be a thing of beauty or a thing of frustration. It depends on how well you manage your pond maintenance. As the pond experts, we get a lot of questions about caring for your pond pump. …

Winter Pond Maintenance Checklist

While you’re probably used to doing pond maintenance during the summer months, you might not realize how important proper winter pond maintenance can be. By keeping your pond healthy during the winter months, it will be that much easier for …

Beginners Guide to Harvesting Rainwater

There are lots of ways to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle and reduce your negative impact on the earth. Minimizing use of electricity and recycling discarded products are two common ways to help protect the environment. Another good way to …

What’s the Best Temperature for My Backyard Pond?

As the seasons change, so does the temperature of a water garden. Pond maintenance is a crucial part of safeguarding the health of the plants and fish that live in it. Plants, flowers and especially goldfish and koi prefer a temperate …

Is My Pond Temperature Too Warm?

If you have a smaller pond, you might be worried about the warm temperatures it reaches in the summer. High temperatures from the sun can be harmful to your plants and fish. Your pond supplies, such as pumps and filters, …

How to Add Oxygen to Your Backyard Water Garden

When the sun starts shining and the weather begins to heat up, summer pond maintenance begins. One of your major summer pond maintenance responsibilities is adding oxygen to your pond. But, is oxygenating your pond really that important? And if …

Help…Solve My Pond Disasters!

If you are a new pond-owner or struggling to keep your pond in proper working order this summer, we’re here to help. What you see as a major pond disaster might just really be a hiccup on your journey to …