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Botanica Water Lily Container - 16"d x 7"h

Manufacturer: Botanica
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Keep your aquatic plant soil with your aquatic plant instead of in your pond filter with a Botanica Water Lily Container that is ideal for large hardy or tropical water lilies. The Large Water Lily Container measures 16" in diameter x 7" high without holes. Water Lilies grow best when planted in large containers with lots of sun and food. Planting pots will also keep Koi and other root eating fish away from the plants delicate roots.

  • Ideal for medium and large Water Lilies. As your water lilies mature, split and/or re-pot the plants to keep them both growing and blooming.
  • Use a clay loam or specially designed aquatic planting soil for best results. Never use potting soil designed for terrestrial plants.
  • Regularly fertilize Water Lilies for maximum leaf growth with more frequent and larger blooms.