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CrystalClear Foam-B-Gone

Manufacturers: CrystalClear , Airmax
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CrystalClear Foam-B-Gone - 1 Gallon
Treats 128,000 Gallons
SKU: CC060-1G

CrystalClear Foam-B-Gone will remove protein foam from your pond or fountain's surface in seconds. Many fountains are collection areas for organic materials. This build-up, in combination with the heavy aeration common with the splashing of a fountain or a roaring waterfall often results in foam formation.

  • Completely removes foam from water
  • Works in seconds
  • For use in ponds, fountains & statuary
  • 100% natural & wildlife safe

Routine Application Rate

Shake well before use. Apply Foam-B-Gone as needed.

Persistent Problem Application Rate

For persistent and heavy foaming problems apply Foam-B-Gone as needed.

For Best Results

Since foaming is usually an indicator of heavy organic loads it is best to apply a strong bacteria and enzyme supplement, such as ClarityMax, to remove unwanted organics.

Foam-B-Gone Dosgae Rates- As Needed

  • 1 oz treats 1,000 gallons
  • 2 oz treats 2,000 gallons
  • 4 oz treats 4,000 gallons
  • 8 oz treats 8,000 gallons