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Foam Dispenser Gun Cleaner - 12 oz

Manufacturer: Atlantic
SKU: P10083
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This polyurethane cleaner is used to dissolve uncured black waterfall foam that would otherwise harden inside the dispenser gun, possibly causing blockages. The Foam Dispenser Gun Cleaner can also be attached to the 6" Steel/Polymer Foam Dispenser Gun and the 7" Steel Foam Gun allowing the units to be flushed and kept clean and operating to their full potential.

  • Dissolves uncured foam and adhesives.
  • Cleans one-component dispensing units.

Cannot ship via air.

Size:  12 oz.
Cleans:  Uncured Black Waterfall Foam
Use With:
  • Atlantic HT770 Foam Gun
  • Atlantic HT330 Foam Gun
  • HandiFoam HT770 Foam Gun
  • HandiFoam HT550 Foam Gun