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Protect Your Pond This Fall with Fish Pond Netting

With fall quickly arriving, homeowners across the country are getting ready to tackle falling leaves of every size, shape and color. However, when you own a backyard water garden, these leaves can cause quite a problem.

That’s because when leaves fall into your pond, they don’t stay on the surface. They tend to sink to the bottom where they can clog your pond pump or cause a variety of other maintenance issues. Wet leaves are also difficult to remove from your pond, and if they stay in the water for too long they can start to decompose and release harmful toxins.

However, you don’t have to worry about any of these problems if you purchase fish pond netting from Fish pond netting provides a virtually invisible protective barrier that keeps falling leaves and other debris out of your pond water. Any debris collects on top of the pond netting which leaves the water beneath it as clean and clear as ever. In addition, fish pond netting is useful for protecting your pond life from any potential predators.

Take advantage of all the great deals we offer on the pond supplies you want most. Fall is coming and winter is right around the corner, so it’s time to make sure your pond has everything it needs to tackle the season’s coldest weather.

*Photo provided by jpctalbot on Flickr